Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Actos de apoyo a los presos políticos en Cuba, 2009, en el VI Aniversario de la Primavera Negra:

CUBA: Marchas durante seis días por las Damas de Blanco en ciudad La Habana, otros actos en el interior de la nación.

EUROPA: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia y Santander, España; Berlín, Alemania; Ginebra, Suiza; Estocolmo, Suecia; Bratislava, Eslovaquia; y Praga, República Checa.

EUA: Miami, New York, Houston, Raleigh y Jackson.

LATINO AMERICA: Brasil; Lima, Perú; San José, Costa Rica; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Santiago, Chile, y México, DF.

Recopilación: Pedro López, Miami, y Gonzalo Fernández, Raliegh, en EUA.

Friday, March 06, 2009

El terror en Cuba.

Las destituciones de Lage y Pérez muestran el terror dirigido a todos los otros en la nomenclatura, no tan solo al ciudadano de a pié. El mensaje es bien claro, apoyo sumiso a Raúl o defenestración.

The Ides of March in Cuba

On March 2nd 2009, eight members of the nomenclature in Cuba were ousted from their positions in key government posts of Raúl Castro’s government. In this sweeping purge, the ax fell on two prominent figures: Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque and Vice President Carlos Lage, whose role was that of Secretary of the Council of Ministers.

In an article by Marc Lacey, published in the International Herald Tribune on March 4, 2009, the following was quoted, as written by Fidel Castro with regards to the re-structuring of the Cuban government: "The honey of power, for which they had not sacrificed at all, awoke in them ambitions that led to an undignified role (papel indigno). . ."

The soothsayer's warning to Julius Caesar, "Beware the Ides of March," has forever imbued that expression with a sense of foreboding, as written by Borgna Brunner, The two long term servers of the Castro brothers probably did not have Ides of March premonitions earlier this year.

Raul has been instrumental in imposing terror in the past. In 1989, he masterminded the elimination of two rivals: General Arnaldo Ochoa that was put to trial and executed by firing squad, and General José Abrahantes that was also put to trial and sentenced to prison, where he died of a heart attack.

This March ousting of Pérez and Lage, accused of playing undignified roles, is equivalent in Cuba to psychological death. It is simply a new phase of terror. The message is loud and clear to anyone that had been thinking of instilling changes within the government ranks.

Gonzalo Fernández

I have written “Estados Financieros”, UTEHA, México, third edition, 1966. I am a co-author of the "Handbook of Financing Growth", Marks, Robbins, Fernández and Funkhouser, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New Jersey, 2005.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

07-03 SALAMANCA 12:30 horas, Apoyo a Libertad en Cuba. Aula Cultural de Caja Duero, Plaza de los Bandos, a dos calles de la Plaza Mayor.

Organizadores: Eduardo Vidal Franco, Wilfredo Casañas Martín, Trinidad Ingelmo Fernández y José Cal Cotta.

El CENTRO DE DERECHOS HUMANOS Y DEMOCRACIA BRIGADA 2506 el 7 de Marzo desde la 7:00 AM establecerá contacto vía telefónica para establecer un puente de comunicación CUBA/MIAMI/SALAMANCA llevando la voz y las denuncias de prestigiosos opositores cubanos a nuestros hermanos del exilio reunidos en la ciudad de Salamanca

Monday, March 02, 2009

01-03 NY

Asistieron unas quinientas personas, a pesar del mal tiempo. Los de la Sección de Intereses no paraban de tomarles fotos; cuando Enrique del Risco (organizador) agarró su camara de video y comenzó a filmar, los de la sección se dirigieron a un policíia para protestar porque los estaban filmando. El policía le contestó lacónicamente: "So... they can do it, as same as you"

Paquito de Rivera tocó el Himno Nacional.
Testigos dicen haber visto a Fidel Castro dando un paseo por Jaimanitas.

Yo tengo información de buena tinta, lo que sucede es que ahora que no es "Presidente," a Fidel no le queda mas remedio que salir a comprar la comida con su tarjeta de racionamiento.