Estamos ante el primer paso de la 'desfidelización' de Cuba.
Por Carlos Alberto Montaner – EFE – El Nuevo Herald, publicado el 16 de septiembre, 2010 - Conferencia de las Américas. Extracto.
“… Montaner insistió en que, no obstante, las posibilidades de éxito del proyecto de Raúl son escasas, ya que éste es un "militar sin ninguna experiencia empresarial'', acostumbrado a "dar órdenes a una estructura vertical de mando basada en la obediencia''.
Raúl cree que puede decir "hágase el capitalismo o el cooperativismo y el milagro sucede'', apostilló…”
En mi libro “Cuba’s Primer – Castro’s Earring Economy,” presento el tema de la falta de ética de trabajo como resultado de la ausencia de estímulos inherente al modelo económico impuesto por la dictadura de los Castros durante 50 años.
Un hombre de negocios de Carolina del Norte, después de leer mi libro, comentó sagazmente:
"Tu uso de la palabra 'arete' para describir la economía de los Castros es irónico, aunque, yo sé, es realmente serio. Restablecer la ética de trabajo existente con anteriodidad a la época de los Castros puede que tome muchos años."
Kenneth Marks
In my book "Cuba's Primer - Castro's Earring Economy," I wrote about the lack of work ethics in Cuba as a result of the economic model imposed by the Castro's dictatorship.
A North Carolina business man, after reading my book, had this astute comment:
"Your use of 'Earring' to describe Castro's economy is amusing, yet I know it is deadly serious. Restoring the work ethic to prior Castro levels may take years." Kenneth Marks
Extracts from my book related to this topic:
… Work Ethics (In Cuba)
Castro got a taste of what working means on some occasions in which he led voluntary work mobilizations to encourage the Cuban people to do more on top of their regular jobs. Early in his governing years, Castro was televised “working” as he cut sugarcane during voluntary work promotional gimmicks.
As a reaction to what he found in the hard work of sugarcane harvesting, he came up with some ideas. Castro said in speeches that his government would import and manufacture sugarcane cutting machines. He also promised to have tractors with air conditioning. He could not envision himself, and consequently anyone else, doing the hard work of sugarcane harvesting. Castro possesses a messianic approach as he offers solutions to problems. Over the years, he has conjured grandiose economic schemes announced to the Cuban people with very little accomplishments at the time of delivery.
Castro’s aberration of work has permeated to the Cuban population in general. I remember an interview on television with Francisco Gattorno, a Cuban actor, three years ago. He emigrated from Cuba and has an acting career in Mexico and in the States. He made a remark about Cuba. He said that working in Cuba was a staged production, the Cuban government pretends that they are paying you, and people pretend that they are working.
… Cuba’s Internal and External Problems
In my opinion, the major internal problem that Cuba faces is that Communism has destroyed within the populace the will to work meaningfully, with ramifications among all segments of the Cuban workforce.
“If the concept of the permanent revolution in Cuba comes to an end, Cubans are going to have to begin to work because a very curious thing occurs – everybody has a job and no one works.”[1]
That was an assessment made in 1987. The following is a comment made in 2008: “. . . A few days ago an individual, talking among friends in his neighborhood in Cuba, said that the major accomplishment of the revolution was that Cubans live without having to work. . .”[2]
[1] Jacobo Timerman, Now Hear This, FORTUNE magazine, December 31, 1987.
[2] Juan Carlos Linares Balmaseda, Cubanet/Noticubainternacional, April 2, 2008.
Click this link (or copy and paste to your browser) to read my book review:
El sitio web del libro es:
Por Carlos Alberto Montaner – EFE – El Nuevo Herald, publicado el 16 de septiembre, 2010 - Conferencia de las Américas. Extracto.
“… Montaner insistió en que, no obstante, las posibilidades de éxito del proyecto de Raúl son escasas, ya que éste es un "militar sin ninguna experiencia empresarial'', acostumbrado a "dar órdenes a una estructura vertical de mando basada en la obediencia''.
Raúl cree que puede decir "hágase el capitalismo o el cooperativismo y el milagro sucede'', apostilló…”
En mi libro “Cuba’s Primer – Castro’s Earring Economy,” presento el tema de la falta de ética de trabajo como resultado de la ausencia de estímulos inherente al modelo económico impuesto por la dictadura de los Castros durante 50 años.
Un hombre de negocios de Carolina del Norte, después de leer mi libro, comentó sagazmente:
"Tu uso de la palabra 'arete' para describir la economía de los Castros es irónico, aunque, yo sé, es realmente serio. Restablecer la ética de trabajo existente con anteriodidad a la época de los Castros puede que tome muchos años."
Kenneth Marks
In my book "Cuba's Primer - Castro's Earring Economy," I wrote about the lack of work ethics in Cuba as a result of the economic model imposed by the Castro's dictatorship.
A North Carolina business man, after reading my book, had this astute comment:
"Your use of 'Earring' to describe Castro's economy is amusing, yet I know it is deadly serious. Restoring the work ethic to prior Castro levels may take years." Kenneth Marks
Extracts from my book related to this topic:
… Work Ethics (In Cuba)
Castro got a taste of what working means on some occasions in which he led voluntary work mobilizations to encourage the Cuban people to do more on top of their regular jobs. Early in his governing years, Castro was televised “working” as he cut sugarcane during voluntary work promotional gimmicks.
As a reaction to what he found in the hard work of sugarcane harvesting, he came up with some ideas. Castro said in speeches that his government would import and manufacture sugarcane cutting machines. He also promised to have tractors with air conditioning. He could not envision himself, and consequently anyone else, doing the hard work of sugarcane harvesting. Castro possesses a messianic approach as he offers solutions to problems. Over the years, he has conjured grandiose economic schemes announced to the Cuban people with very little accomplishments at the time of delivery.
Castro’s aberration of work has permeated to the Cuban population in general. I remember an interview on television with Francisco Gattorno, a Cuban actor, three years ago. He emigrated from Cuba and has an acting career in Mexico and in the States. He made a remark about Cuba. He said that working in Cuba was a staged production, the Cuban government pretends that they are paying you, and people pretend that they are working.
… Cuba’s Internal and External Problems
In my opinion, the major internal problem that Cuba faces is that Communism has destroyed within the populace the will to work meaningfully, with ramifications among all segments of the Cuban workforce.
“If the concept of the permanent revolution in Cuba comes to an end, Cubans are going to have to begin to work because a very curious thing occurs – everybody has a job and no one works.”[1]
That was an assessment made in 1987. The following is a comment made in 2008: “. . . A few days ago an individual, talking among friends in his neighborhood in Cuba, said that the major accomplishment of the revolution was that Cubans live without having to work. . .”[2]
[1] Jacobo Timerman, Now Hear This, FORTUNE magazine, December 31, 1987.
[2] Juan Carlos Linares Balmaseda, Cubanet/Noticubainternacional, April 2, 2008.
Click this link (or copy and paste to your browser) to read my book review:
El sitio web del libro es: