Un Viaje de mi Ego.
Artículo publicado por Cuba Nuestra;
posted by Gonzalo Fernández at 12:47 PM
I was born in Luyano and attended Instituto del Vedado where I got el título de Bachiller en Ciencias. I graduated from Havana University with an accounting degree. Worked as VP & Controller, ITT Corporation, telecom businesses in Raleigh, NC. After that, I have been an accounting and business consultant. Wrote "Estados Financieros" (Financial Statements), UTEHA, Mexico, third edition, 1966. I am a coauthor of the Handbook of Financing Growth, Marks, Robbins, Fernández, Funkhouser and Williams, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New Jersey, 2nd edition, 2009. I recently published a new book Cuba's Primer - Castro's Earring Economy," lulu.com, 2009. Wife is Teresa, singer.